About Maaja

I'm a Toronto writer and teacher-librarian. Please visit me at my primary website: www.maajawentz.com for free fiction and bookish news. Happy reading! https://www.maajawentz.com/

New Video

What will humans think of next? If you click on the sidebar you can see more evidence of human superstition. It’s a horror movie about a bunch of adults terrified of a fish pig monster. Poppycock! It takes a bunch of kids to save the day… Click on the link to enjoy this funny little movie.

The Woodmill Hills Irregulars


I’m Marmalade, the Cat Detective. I live with my human companion Phyllis in Woodmill Hills. It’s a wonderful neighborhood full of mature trees where there are lots of squirrels to chase. In the ravine near our house live the Woodmill Hills Irregulars, a band of daring young raccoons who help me solve mysteries.